We have been given the approval from AHS to host an official Exhibition and Show on June 27th, 2015. Our show in 2014 was a big hit, and we hope this year will be even better.
8:00a-11:00a Registration / Classification / Placement.
Exhibitors may arrive with their exhibits and groom near the show location. A small grooming area will be provided. It is recommended you come to the show location with your exhibits already groomed. Friendly faces will be on hand to help you with your exhibits.
11:00a No new entries accepted for placement. Only entries in the possession of the placement or classification committee will be accepted for judging. All other entries will be placed in the non-judged display area. The show chair will resolve discrepancies, and the decision will be final.
11:30a Final placement and registration completed. This time allows for classification to complete entries that had been received at or before 11:00. This time also allows the placement committee to make final adjustments.
11:30a-1:00p Exhibition Judging. Only judges, clerks and show chairs allowed inside judging area.
12:00p-4:00p Membership and Education Table open.
1:00p Show open to public.
1:00p-1:30p Tabulation and awards placement.
4:00p Show closed. Exhibits and awards must be claimed by 4:15pm. Dismantling begins at 4:00pm.
Below is a link to the entire schedule. If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Braun.